Monday, June 17, 2013

A slice of humble pie

I have been struggling with a judgmental attitude lately, but my wake-up call came during a recent ER shift. My 12- hour shift was ending when the nurse brought me a chart and said, "this guy is homeless and drunk and I can't believe EMSA brought him here." Needless to say, my mind started racing and formed all these preconceived notions in my head. I fully expected to walk into his room and find a drunk, stinky, belligerent, demanding and drug-seeking man waiting for me. I rolled my eyes, sighed and drug myself into his room. Guess what? He was drunk and he was stinky. And he was completely like-able. He was thoroughly educated, polite and was spot-on with his diagnosis. He truly needed emergent care and our specialty hospital was the perfect place for him. I was stunned as he answered my questions with a straightforward honesty that I can only hope to one day cultivate. He listed off his daily alcohol consumption. He told me about his crack addiction that stripped him of his life savings, his pride and eventually his home. It was refreshing. And I was completely humbled. I don't have even a speck of the courage it takes to air out my short-comings and failures for all the world to judge me. I saw the face of God right there in that man's face and I walked away, bowed my head and prayed for all my pride to be stripped away. Oswald Chambers says it so eloquently, "There is always one fact more in every man's case about which we know nothing. I have never met the man I could despair of after discerning what lies in me apart from the grace of God."  In hope you carry that thought through your Monday...


  1. Wow..I really liked that. I judge so much and never stop to think of their past or that they could be just as nice as I am.

  2. You are amazing! I wish all of us had the same self-examination abilities that you do! Love you, sister!
